..::The Spirit of the Blader::Blade with your Heart::..

Beyblade Seishin > Bladebreakers //Beyblade > Max


Japanese Name: 

English Name: Max Tate

Japanese VA:

English VA: Gage Knox

Team: Bladebreakers

Bitbeast: Draciel


Max is an easygoing kid who just likes to have fun. However, when he's Beyblading, he gets competitive and nothing can stop him! Max met Tyson before the national championships and they became best friends.

Max lives in Japan with his dad, who runs a Beyblade shop. His mum, Judy, lives in America, where she's a research scientist for the BBA.


Beyblade Seishin last updated Saturday November 20, 2004 by Jedi_ Amara. BBS design and content © 2003. All rights reserved. BBS does not own or claim the rights to Beyblade or any associated names. This is a fan site only.

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